kaaaa tolong crpattt mau dikumpulin ka jan ngasal ka report cuman 2 nomo ka cepet

19. bidang himpit : 8cm x 8cm = 64cm²
20. V = (20 x 8 x 10) + (8 x 8 x 8)
= 1.600cm³ + 512cm³
= 2.112cm³
1 Man, 3 Hearts, 9 Lives: A story of hope, resilience, and survival
1 Man, 3 Hearts, 9 Lives: A story of hope, resilience, and survival
19. bidang himpit : 8cm x 8cm = 64cm²
20. V = (20 x 8 x 10) + (8 x 8 x 8)
= 1.600cm³ + 512cm³
= 2.112cm³